Cash Flow Clarity

Organize your finances and feel confident with money in 15 minutes (or less) per week.

Get started now!

Have you ever looked at your checking account and thought, “That doesn’t seem right… Where did all my money go?”

Or started to save some money only to dip into your reserves for a bill you forgot about, to buy Christmas gifts, or to cover your spending for the month?

Or stared at your credit card statement with dread wondering how you’d ever pay it off?

If any of that sounds relatable, then you maaaayyy want to take a look at your cash flow.

Your cash flow is the foundation of your finances.

It may sound like a complicated finance term, but it’s actually a simple concept.

Cash flow refers to how much money comes in versus how much goes out.

If more money goes out every month than what comes in, then your cash flow is negative.

If more money comes in (and stays) than goes out, then your cash flow is positive.

Your cash flow is the basis for everything else in your finances. It determines how much money you can put towards saving, how much goes to debt, and how quickly you reach your financial goals.

Let me tell you the story of one of my financial coaching clients.

We’ll call her Amanda.

Amanda was 27 when we started working together.

She was successful in her career and was making $75,000 a year.

But despite living in a small town where expenses were relatively low, she watched her credit card balance increase month after month.

Amanda didn’t understand.

On the surface, she was making good money.

And she wasn’t spending extravagantly. I mean, she enjoyed shopping online and going out to eat with friends a few days a week.

But she wasn’t living any differently than most of her friends, and they all seemed fine.

So why was it that she seemed to be the only one struggling to keep her head about water financially?

When we started working together, the first thing Amanda and I did was create a Conscious Cash Flow plan.

We listed her income, all of her expenses, and her minimum debt payments.

And it became clear pretty quickly what the issue was.

Between Amanda’s car payment, credit cards, and student loans, her debt payments accounted for almost half of her monthly income.

Because she was making “good money,” she felt like she had plenty of room to spend. But when she saw the numbers laid out, Amanda realized that she was spending more than she made (negative cash flow).

Which made sense why her credit card balance kept going up.

Once Amanda had a Conscious Cash Flow plan, she knew exactly where to adjust her expenses so she could put more toward saving and paying off debt.

And within 2 months, she paid off her first credit card.

I built a $1,500 emergency fund, have put over $1,000 towards credit card debt, and have started bringing in over $500/month in income with my freelance work. Working with Megan has truly changed my life. Hands down has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

- Tori K., Financial Coaching Client

Benefits of Knowing Your Cash Flow

Save money and pay off debt faster.

Right now you may be paying the minimum, or even a little extra, on your debt. But imagine if you knew exactly how much extra cash flow you had each month.

That could mean paying hundreds more to your credit cards or student loans, which could save you hundreds, or even thousands of dollars on interest.

You could pay off your debt months sooner, which means the money that once went to debt payments now goes in your pocket.

Increases your financial confidence (and reduces stress).

Not knowing where your money is going or how much you’re going to have next month is stressful. Having a Conscious Cash Flow plan helps you feel in control of your finances, which in turn increases confidence.

Confidence with money, in yourself, and in your ability to overcome challenges and take care of your own needs.

Confidence is one of the greatest benefits of understanding your cash flow. And it has the potential to compound and help you get the ball rolling in other areas of your life, which is why it also…

Improves your money mindset.

Some money/manifestation coaches want you to believe that mindset work is the end-all-be-all cure for your financial struggles. But that’s a lie.

You don’t need to dig into your money blocks and limiting beliefs first (or maybe even at all). We often don’t even know what beliefs we have about money until we dive into the numbers.

Action creates clarity. Clarity about your situation, the solutions, and even how you think and feel about money (your mindset). When you show up for yourself, and you start to see progress, your mindset will naturally start to shift as you become more confident with money.

Not to mention the dozens of tangential benefits.

Personally, having a Conscious Cash Flow plan has helped me pay off my student loans faster and save more money, which in turn allowed me to be flexible in my career.

Because I’m not reliant on a paycheck, I’ve been able to leave jobs that were no longer serving me and take extended breaks to focus on my mental health. Money is no longer the deciding factor in my career or any other area of my life.

So you understand why your cash flow is the foundation of your finances. Now what?

Let’s talk about…


Cash Flow Clarity

You’re busy. You don’t have hours a week to dedicate to your finances.

I get it.

That’s why I created Cash Flow Clarity.

It’s a simple, step-by-step system to help you create a Conscious Cash Flow plan and track your progress in as little as 15 minutes a week.

This no-fluff, self-paced course can be completed in just a few hours on a weeknight or Sunday afternoon.

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity. This little course packs a punch.

Here's what you can expect to accomplish in CFC:

  1. Create a Conscious Cash Flow plan that outlines your income, savings, expenses, and debt payments (to give you a clear picture of your cash flow).
  2. Determine which expenses, savings goals, and debt payments will come from which paycheck (so you never run out of money before you get paid).
  3. Create a savings plan for Christmas/holidays, birthdays, insurance, and other irregular expenses (no more dipping into your savings or going into debt for Christmas gifts).
  4. Arrange your bank accounts to streamline and automate your Conscious Cash Flow plan (so you can spend less time managing your finances and more time living your life).

Not to mention these bonuses.

BONUS #1: How to Set Values-Based Goals [Workbook]

($27 Value)

An exercise to help you define what your version of a Wealthy Life looks like so you can make decisions in alignment with the life you truly want. You'll learn why understanding your core values is crucial, how to uncover and define your values, and how to set values-aligned goals that you feel inspired to achieve, with an action plan to boot.

BONUS #2: Financial Roadmap [Cheatsheet]

($17 Value)

Not sure whether to save for an emergency fund, pay off debt, or at what point to start investing? Consider this your financial order of operations. A guide to help you decide what to focus on and when.

BONUS #3: Net Worth Tracker

($17 Value)

Your net worth is one of the most important numbers to know and track. In this training, you'll learn what it is, why it's important, and how to track it using the net worth tracking template.

Total Value (Course + Bonuses): $235+

Your Investment: $47

I really wanted to resolve my money issues but didn't have a clue where to start. Now I have plans and goals that are in writing and can be revisited and I have a new found confidence that I can achieve them on my own. My life has changed completely for the better and I couldn't be happier.

- Courtney M., Financial Coaching Client

Get started now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not spreadsheet-savvy?

You don't have to be! The system does use Google Sheets, but even if you're not familiar with Sheets, the videos will show you exactly how to set up your spending plan -- just follow them step by step.

And I've set the template up so if you accidentally try to change a cell that's not supposed to be changed, you'll get a pop-up warning. That way you don't have to worry about deleting something important!

Who is Cash Flow Clarity for?

Cash Flow Clarity is for you if you get to the end of the month and think, "Where the heck did all my money go?!" You realize you need a system to get control of your money and get ahead financially, but you're not sure how or where to start.

If you want a simple, effective system to get control of your finances, understand where your money is going, and have more money left at the end of the month, then Cash Flow Clarity is for you.

Can't I find this information for free online?

There's lots of free information out there. So much that it can be overwhelming.

I spent years creating this system, and I update the templates any time I think of or receive requests for handy new features.

Yes, you could piece together your own method using free information online, or you could use a system that's helped me and dozens of other women get control of their finances, build a savings cushion, and pay off thousands of dollars of debt.

How is Cash Flow Clarity delivered?

The materials for Cash Flow Clarity are hosted on Teachable. Once you check out, you'll receive an email confirmation with a link to log in and access the course materials.

There you'll find the link to the spending plan templates as well as all the video lessons that go along with it.

Can I return this?

If you're not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund within 30 days of your purchase.

Who is Cash Flow Clarity NOT for?

If you already have a system for managing your money that works for you and allows you to save money and/or pay off debt each month, then you probably don't need Cash Flow Clarity.

Join Cash Flow Clarity today for just $47

Money doesn't have to be hard. It can be simple, easy, and (dare I say it) even fun!

If you’re ready to build a cushion for your bank account, get serious about paying off debt, save for those big money goals, and feel confident with money, then you’re in the right place.

Get started now!

Hey there, I’m Megan!

I'm a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® (soon-to-be Accredited Financial Counselor®) and spreadsheet nerd with a degree in personal finance.

I paid off over $20,000 of debt and saved another $10,000 in less than 12 months on an entry-level salary.

(And, no… I didn’t win the lottery or give up coffee and eating out to make it happen.)

Then I left my full-time job to freelance and figure out what the heck I wanted to do with my life.

After experiencing the true freedom that money can provide, I realized it's my life's mission to share this work with as many women as possible.

Now I help other women get ahead financially and use money to create their version of a Wealthy Life.

Save $10K is the starting point. I created it to show you that managing your money can be simple and easy, and it doesn't have to take up all your time.

It's the exact set of templates I use to manage my finances in just one hour per month.

Get started now!